Charlotte: American Tango Workshop
Infinity Ballroom
Oct 18, 2014
- To acquire and develop vital skills: speed variation, swivels, pivots, rocks, partnering
- To be able to show contrasts in speed, movement and actions for fun and to be a more interesting partner and performer
- To become an expert at floorcraft
Begin with leader facing DC
- Rocking Basic, turning ½ to L SS (Whole figure: SSQQS) 1(2) 3(4)
- Reverse Turn to Fan, turning ¼ to L QQS (Whole figure: QQSS QQSS QQS) 56 7(8)
- Two (or Four) Stalks S (S) S 1(234); 5(678)
- Promenade Check (Chair) and Slip Pivot SQQ 1(2); 34
- Viennese Crosses QQS QQS; QQ& QQ& 56 7(8) 12 3(4); 56&; 78&
- Open Box, turning ¼ to L QQ (S)&; QQ (S)& 12(3)4; 56 (7)8
- Be able to dance each figure as an individual element for better understanding and for flexibility “in the wild” on a social dance floor.
- Every figure in Tango rotates, some slowly and some with great speed.
- Remember the ending to the Continuous Basic (QQ QQS) and use it to adjust phrasing as necessary. Tango is a great dance for developing a fine ear for phrasing.