BAM Class Notes 7

BAM Class Notes 7

Download Dan Calloway’s Class Notes – BAM – 20131104


Quickstep Amalgamation

  1. Underturned Natural Spin Turn                  SQQ SSS
  2. Progressive Chasse to DC                              SQQS S
  3. Chasse Reverse Turn                                      SQQ
  4. Progressive Chasse                                         SQQS
  5. Forward Lock                                                 SQQS
  6. 1-3 Natural Turn                                             SQQ
  7. Tipple Chasse to Right (around corner)     SQQS QQS

Repeat amalgamation on next side of room.

Waltz Technique

  1. Leaders: Turn body to right between steps 1 and 2 of Whisk (and Progressive Link in Tango) to turn follower to promenade position. Leave the body in that alignment throughout the Chasse from PP and to restart the Natural Spin Turn.
  2. Scoop low into every measure of Waltz on count one, only come halfway up on two, peak on three but never straighten the knees in standard.

Tango Technique

  1. Follower’s Link can be counted “Quickity-Quick,” four syllables, a syllable for each action of the right foot: Back with heel staying up, Swivel to promenade position, Right heel down, Right heel up.
  2. The basic timing in Tango is QQS. Say that timing throughout the Tango routine, even when dancing two walks.
  3. If every slow is danced as two quicks, the first quick is for stepping, the second quick is held to create a staccato effect.

Rumba: Add the Back Walk (234.1, 234.1) after the Hockey Stick and Half Basic.


  1. Basic Movement                     1a2 1a2 1a2 1a2
  2. Four Whisks                           1a2 1a2 1a2 1a2

Remember to keep the bounce action in the legs going throughout.


Start in Open Position.

  1. Whip Throwaway (ending apart)       1,2 3a4 5,6 7a8
  2. Whip (ending in closed position)        1,2 3a4 5,6 7a8



Begin facing DW.

  1. Feather Step                                        SQQ
  2. Hover Telemark                                  SQQ
  3. Feather Step, started outside partner SQQ
  4. Basic Weave (not recommended for competition)      QQQQQQ

Or, Reverse Turn                                SQQ SQQ

  1. Three Step                                          SQQ


  1. Do not rise out of the legs at any time. Depth enables space in the top, action in the base, and connectivity between partners. Move your partner’s legs from side to side when you sway.
  2. Practice with a one hand hold (his left, her right).


  1. Reverse Turn                                      1a2 1a2 1a2
  2. Three Back Rocks                               SQQ SQQ SQQ
  3. Plait (twice)                                        SS QQS; SS QQS
  4. Lady’s Spot Volta (under arm turn; Leader: Whisk to Left, turning ¼ to Right)       1a2


  1. It’s about the connection: Start well and prioritize it, no matter what.
  2. As often as possible, change the spacing, level and shape of your figures/body. The Reverse Turn changes all three variables. The Stop and Go in Jive is another level changer for the leader.
  3. Perfect the Latin Cross: The thighs should be closed all the way down to the upper calves. Daylight (between your thighs) is not your friend. Keep 90 degrees of turnout between the feet.
  4. Figures in Samba which are counted using slows and quicks have no bounce.
  5. Perfect your Merengue action in all directions.
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