J’Adore: Foxtrot Workshops
Here is the summary of the workshop presented at J’Adore Ballroom, Charlotte, NC.
Download the printable workshop summary of Dan Calloway’s Foxtrot Worshop
Not Just The Basics
- Heel Turns
- No Turn Exercise: Left Foot Back, Right Foot Closes, Left Foot Forward. Repeat starting with other foot. Keep feet connected to the floor. The forward step is Toe-Heel.
- Exercise at the wall: Keeping one hand on the wall or a counter, alternate the two heel turns, turning ¼ on each. Remember: Do not close the feet until the turn is completed. Pick up the hip of the closing foot to help draw the legs together.
- Leaders and followers danced the follower’s part of the Basic Amalgamation:
Feather Step (SQQ), Reverse Turn (SQQ SQQ), Three Step (AQQ), Natural Turn (SQQ SSS)
- Telemark/Feather Amalgamation
Begin with leader facing DW.
Feather Step SQQ
Hover Telemark SQQ
Feather Step, beginning outside partner SQQ
Open Telemark SQQ
Feather Ending SQQ
Hover Telemark to Promenade Position SQQ
Feather Ending SQQ
Start over with Open Telemark. - Three Responsibilities for the Sides of the Body/Neck
- Keep both sides up, no matter what is being danced, but keep the shoulders settled down and connected into body.
- Stay aware of your partner’s sides. Work with your partner’s sides throughout the Telemark amalgamation. Exercise: Subtly sabotage the partnership by breaking a side. Does your partner notice?
- Keep the sides active. If the head is to the left the left, the left lat is forward, and vice versa. The leader keeps his left lat forward throughout the whole amalgamation.
Workshop #2: Intermediate Foxtrot
Amalgamation #1
- Feather Step, DC SQQ
- Extended Basic Weave QQQ (QQ) QQQ or QQQ (QQQQQQ) QQQ
- Three Step
The Q’s in parentheses are the additional inserted quicks to extend the weave for practice staying up on the toes, staying forward, and sustaining the left side forward.
Amalgamation #2
- Three Step, DW SQQ
- Curved Feather SQQ
- Back Feather SQQ
- Feather Finish to LOD SQQ
Follow with Three Step to a natural figure, or Reverse Wave or Reverse Turn Checked to Basic Weave.
As an exercise, stop after the Curved Feather and drop arms. The follower should be in a Whisk foot position and both dancers should have the left side forward. (Give your partner your heart.)
Enhanced Amalgamation: After the Curved Feather, add a Curved Back Feather and another Curved Feather. The resulting challenging combination requires that the left side be maintained in its forward position and the leader gets to dance the Whisk action on his Curved Back Feather.